

美式英文 VS 英國英文 1 

anticlockwise counterclockwise 反時鐘方向
articulated lorry trailer truck 鉸接式拖車
autumn fall / autumn 秋季 / 秋天
biscuits cookies 餅乾
bonnet (of a car) hood (車的) 引擎蓋
boot (of a car) trunk (車的) 行李箱
candy floss cotton candy 棉花糖
car park parking lot 停車場
casualty emergency room 急診室
chemist's drug store / pharmacy 西藥房
cheque check 支票
chips French fries 薯條 (英式 French fries 指 細薯條)
cinema movie theater 電影院
cling film plastic wrap 塑膠保鮮膜
crisps chips 薯片(英式 chips 指 薯條)
dastbin trash can / garbage can 垃圾箱
diversion detour 繞道行
drawing pin thumbtack 圖釘
driving licence driver's license 駕駛執照
dual carriageway divided highway (分道行駛的)雙向公路
dummy (for a baby) pacifier (嬰兒)奶嘴
dustman garbage collector 垃圾夫
engaged busy 指電話線忙
film movie 電影、影片
fish fingers fish sticks 炸魚條
flannel washcloth 毛巾
flat apartment 公寓
flyover overpass 天橋
football soccer 足球
frying-pan skillet 煎鍋
funfair carnival 露天遊樂場
gearbox (of a car) transmission 變速器
greaseproof paper wax paper / waxed paper 蠟紙 (烘焙用)
grill broil
ground floor first floor 地上樓 (英式 first floor 指 二樓)
high street main street 鬧街 / 大街
hob Stovetop / stove 火爐
holdall carryall (旅行) 大手提袋
holiday vacation 假期
ice lolly (/lolly) popsicle 冰棒
jumper sweater 套頭衫
kerb curb 人行道邊緣
ladybird ladybug 瓢蟲
lift elevator 電梯
lorry truck 卡車 / 貨車
main road highway 公路
maths math 數學 (簡寫)
motorway highway / freeway 高速公路
nappies diapers 尿布
number plate license plate 汽車牌照
off-licence liquor store 賣酒的商店
oven glove(s) oven mitt(s) 烤箱手套
pavement sidewalk 人行道
petrol gas / gasoline 汽油
plain flour all-purpose flour 中筋麵粉
plaster band-aid 膏藥貼布 / 護創膠布
porridge oatmeal 燕麥粥
post mail 郵件
postcode zip code 郵遞區號
pram / pushchair baby carriage 嬰兒車
primary school elementary school 小學
private soldier G.I. 列兵
pub bar 酒吧
public school private school 私立學校 (英國的公立學校是 state school, 在美國則稱public school)
public transport public transportation 大眾運輸 / 公共運輸
pupil student (英國特指)小學生
queue line (排隊)的隊伍
railway railroad 鐵路
recorded delivery certified mail 掛號郵件
removal van moving van 搬家貨車
return (ticket) round-trip 來回 (票)
reverse charge collect call 對方付費電話
roundabout (in road) traffic circle 圓環
Roundabout / merry-go-round (at a funfair) carousel / merry-go-round 旋轉木馬
rubber eraser 橡皮擦
rubbish garbage 垃圾
rucksack knapsack 背包
sailing boat sailboat 帆船
saloon (car) sedan 轎車
school report report card 成績單
sellotape Scotch tape 透明膠帶
shopping trolley shopping cart 購物車
spring onion green onion 青蔥
starter / appetiser appetizer 開胃菜
state school public school 公立學校
sweets candy 糖果
takeaway (food) food to go / takeout 外帶食物
taxi rank taxi stand 計程車站
tea towel dish towel 茶巾 (擦餐具的抹布)
telly / TV television / TV 電視
tights pantyhose 褲襪
timber lumber 木材
tin can 罐頭
toffee apple candy apple 太妃蘋果
torch flashlight 手電筒
trade union labor union 勞工會
trousers pants 褲子
tyre (of a car) tire 車胎
underground subway 地鐵
vaccuum flask thermos bottle 熱水瓶
verge (of a road) shoulder 路邊 / 路肩
vest undershirt 內衣
waistcoat vest 背心
wardrobe closet 衣櫥
wellies / wellingtons / wellington boots rubber boots 橡膠雨鞋
white coffee coffee with cream 白咖啡 (加鮮奶的咖啡)
wholemeal bread wholewheat bread 全麥麵包
windscreen windshield 擋風玻璃
worktop countertop 工作檯面
zebra crossing crosswalk (斑馬線) 人行道
zip zipper 拉鍊




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